Oatmeal Lavender soap is one of my favorite soaps. When I started my handmade soap journey, oatmeal lavender was one of the first soaps I made. It's such a versatile soap and can be used for just about anything.
One of my personal favorites is lavender essential oil. It has so many benefits for the skin and is also very calming. Oatmeal is another one of my favorite ingredients to use in soap. It's great for exfoliating and also has many benefits for the skin.
So many times I bought commercial oatmeal lavender soap, but it never had the same effect as when I made it myself. The store-bought soaps always irritate my skin, but my homemade oatmeal lavender soap never does. The reason for this, I believe, is that most store-bought soaps contain harsh chemicals and detergents that can irritate the skin.
On the contrary, my handmade lavender oatmeal soap recipe has only natural ingredients that are beneficial for the skin. I use my home-dried fresh lavender and organic rolled oats from the health food store in my soap.
Another plus to making your oatmeal lavender soap is that you can control the strength of the lavender scent. You can add more lavender essential oil if you want a strong lavender scent. If you want a light lavender scent, you can add less.
There are hundreds of benefits of making handmade soap, which we discussed in our previous blogs.
Oatmeal Lavender Soap:
Oatmeal lavender soap is the easiest soap to make because we use a melt and pour soap base. It's quick and simple, but the end result is a beautiful and luxurious bar soap with creamy leather and a great smell.
This homemade soap has a natural grain and lavender flowers, making it easy to identify as such. I believe that it is extra lovely when made with oatmeal as an exfoliant. The oatmeal in this soap provides a nice, gentle scrub.
For gift-giving or personal use, lavender oatmeal soap is a good choice. It's pretty and smells great. This particular recipe uses lavender essential oil, but feel free to experiment with other essential oils.
When I set out to make this oatmeal lavender soap, I wanted to make a homemade soap that was not only good for skin but also had a lovely, light scent. I also wanted to make sure that the oatmeal didn't clump up in the soap.
To achieve this, I used a lavender oatmeal soap recipe that I found online. This recipe uses a melt & pour goat milk soap base, which has many benefits for the skin. I also used oatmeal that has been finely ground.
Today, I am going to share my oatmeal lavender soap recipe with you. This soap is perfect for all skin types, but it is especially good for people with sensitive skin. The oatmeal lavender soap is perfect for summertime!
Oatmeal Lavender Soap is darn good for your skin! Isn't it?
When I looked into the benefits of lavender essential oil and oatmeal, I was amazed at how good it is for your skin! This soap is beneficial for people who have sensitive skin because oatmeal is known to be gentle and lavender has calming properties.
When oatmeal is paired with lavender oil, it makes for a perfect soap for people looking for a natural way to care for their skin.
A Super combination of oatmeal and lavender oil makes this soap perfect for people who are looking for a natural and exfoliating soap. This oatmeal lavender soap recipe is easy to follow, and the results are fantastic!
What Oatmeal Does For Your Skin

The oatmeal in this soap recipe provides gentle exfoliation while also being nourishing and hydrating. Oatmeal is known to be soothing and can help to calm irritated skin.
Furthermore, oatmeal helps to repair the skin barrier and can help to protect the skin from environmental aggressors.
Oatmeal is enriched in saponins which are natural cleansers. They help to cleanse and exfoliate the skin gently. That's why almost every skincare product brand has oatmeal as one of the essential ingredients.
I also love the nourishing properties of oatmeal and using a body wash and face mask enriched with oatmeal.
Lavender Is a Magical Ingredient For Skin:
Lavender is well-known for its calming benefits and ability to soothe the skin. Many commercial skincare products include lavender as one of the key ingredients because it has so many benefits for the skin. This great-smelling herb has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to calm and soothe irritated skin.
The lovely purple flower is also known to have antimicrobial properties. This means that it can help fight off bacteria and fungi that cause skin infections.
Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil is a versatile essential oil with many benefits for the skin. It is also known to help heal wounds and reduce scarring.
On the other hand, it is known for its calming properties. It's often used to treat anxiety and stress. But did you hear that you can use lavender oil to treat acne?
Lavender oil is a natural antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
It's ideal for people with acne-prone skin, as it has a deicing formula as well as other anti-acne ingredients. Lavender is super effective in treating acne because it can help to kill the bacteria that cause acne. It also provides rescue to reduce inflammation and redness of the skin.
Moreover, it prevents wrinkles and fine lines by stimulating collagen production. Lavender oil is also known to help treat burns and sunburns.
Which Soap Base Goes Well With Oatmeal and Lavender Soap:
Melt and pour soap bases are a simple way to make soap without dealing with the lye. Some people find it a safer and easier way to make soap.
If you are a beginner and have just started your soap-making journey, I recommend you start your adventure with a Melt and Pour Soap Base. The melt and pour method is a breezeway to get started.
But it doesn't mean that you never work with lye. You still need to handle lye when you are making soap from scratch. You must read the safety note on lye before working with it.
There are different melt and pour soap bases available in the market. You can find soap bases made from glycerin, olive oil, coconut oil, and even shea butter.
The glycerine soap base and goat milk soap base work perfectly for this homemade oatmeal lavender soap recipe. I recommend using a goat milk soap base because it is extra creamy and nourishing. It is also a brilliant choice for all skin types.
It provides lots of moisture to the skin and has a lovely smell. When you combine oatmeal and lavender oil with a goat milk soap base, you get a beautiful and gentle creamy leather perfect for people with all skin types.
Mix and Match Formula for Making Oatmeal Lavender Soap

For Dry Skin:
Dry skin needs extra moisture and nourishment. So, I would suggest using a soap base that is high in glycerin content. If you add some honey to the recipe, it will be perfect for people with dry skin.
For Oily Skin:
Oily skin needs a soap base that can help control the excess oil. So, I would suggest using a soap base that is high in olive oil or coconut oil content. This oatmeal lavender soap recipe is perfect for people with oily skin. It will absorb the excess oil and give a luxurious creamy lather.
For Sensitive Skin:
Sensitive skin needs a soap base that is gentle and creamy. So, I would suggest using a high soap base in shea butter or goat milk content. It relieves the skin and provides a protective barrier against environmental aggressors.
For Eczema-prone Skin:
Eczema-prone skin needs a soap base that can help to soothe and calm the skin. So, I would suggest using a soap base that is high in lavender oil content. This oatmeal lavender soap recipe is perfect for people with eczema-prone skin.
Making the Lavender Oatmeal Soap Recipe
Making homemade lavender oatmeal soap is easier than you might think! You'll need just a few ingredients to get started.
Lavender is an important ingredient in this soap recipe. You can use freshly dry lavender flowers, lavender essential oil, or both. Many online stores sell dry lavender flowers or lavender flowers powder. You can choose what makes you happy, but I prefer to use fresh lavender flowers to grow in my garden for this recipe.
You can add lavender essential oil to enhance the lavender scent or add it for its therapeutic properties. If you want to use lavender essential oil, make sure to buy a high-quality oil that is pure and natural.
How do you dry lavender quickly?
If you grow your lavender or buy it in bulk, you'll need to dry it before using it in soap. To do this, simply tie the lavender buds, small flowers, and stems into bundles using twine or string. Then, hang the lavender bundle upside down in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight until the lavender is completely dry.
This could take a few days to a week, depending on the humidity levels in your home. Once the lavender is dried, you can remove the flowers from the stems. If you're using fresh lavender powder or sachet, you can skip this step.
Drying in the air may take a few days to a week. If you're in a hurry, you can also dry lavender in the oven. Preheat the oven to the lowest temperature (around 200 degrees Fahrenheit) and spread lavender on a baking sheet. Place fresh lavender flowers and stems in the preheated oven for about an hour, until completely dry. Now, remove from the oven and leave on the counter, until cool completely. Now you can use them in soap.
Preparing Oatmeal Powder:
The oatmeal we'll be using is colloidal oatmeal, which is oatmeal that has been ground into a fine powder. The colloidal oatmeal is different from the oatmeal you eat for breakfast because it's meant to be used topically on the skin. You can find colloidal oatmeal everywhere.
The other way is to grind oatmeal yourself in a food processor or blender until it becomes a fine powder.
Lavender Oatmeal Soap Recipe
Now that we gather all of our necessary ingredients, let's get started! The first thing you need to do is gather your materials. For this soap recipe, you will need:
Oatmeal Lavender Soap Ingredients
- melt & pour goat milk soap base-¾ pound
- rolled oats or organic oatmeal oats(finely ground)-4 ounces
- dry lavender flowers-1 tablespoon dried
- pure essential oil(Lavender or coconut oil)-10 drops
- soap mold
- Pyrex measuring cup
- Wooden stir stick

Steps To Make Oatmeal Lavender Soap
First, grind the organic rolled oatmeal into a fine powder using a food processor or blender. Don't worry, If you don't have a food processor, you can use rolled oats that have been finely ground.
The second step is to cut the soap base into small cubes and place it in the Pyrex measuring cup.
Third, melt the soap base in the microwave at 30-second intervals, stirring with a wooden stick after each interval. Provide heat until the soap base is completely melted.
Keep an eye, because it will come to a boiling stage quickly once it starts melting.
Fourth, add the colloidal oats or organic rolled oats with a spoon and stir well until combined.
Fifth, add the lavender flowers and essential oil and mix well.
Sixth, pour the oatmeal lavender soap mixture into the mold and add more dry lavender flowers on top if desired.
Seventh, let the soap cool and set for 2-3 hours before using. Leave it at room temperature to solidify.
After the soap has cooled and set, it's time to remove it from the soap mold.
Remove from soap mold and cut the soap into two ¼ inch soap bars.
Wrap each soap bar individually in cellophane bags and tie it with a ribbon or string.
Keep these bar soap in a dry and cold place to avoid melting. If you want to add more oatmeal for scrubbing, increase the amount of oatmeal you put in each soap mold by one tablespoon.
Your homemade soap bar is now ready to use!
Oatmeal Lavender Soap With Shea Butter Soap Base
Actually, you have lots of choices of soap base to make oatmeal lavender soap. It depends on what your client prefers or your store's concept. Or for which type of skin you are making lavender oatmeal soap.
You can try different combinations for making hand-crafted soap. The oatmeal soap base is very gentle, so it's often used in a baby soap recipe. Natural soap base with shea butter is good for dry skin people.
There is no rocket science in making oatmeal lavender soap with Shea butter. First, you need to follow the same instructions as the oatmeal lavender soap recipe. The one ingredient you need to substitute is the soap base. You should use a Shea butter soap base instead of a goat's milk soap base.
As I mentioned before, lavender oatmeal soap is good for people who have dry skin. The oatmeal and lavender combination will help soothe and relieve dry, itchy skin.
Prevent Lavender From Turning Brown in Soap:
The browning of lavender flowers and buds is one of the most common fears about their use in soaps. One of the most significant fears about using lavender flowers and buds in soaps is that they can turn brown.
Lavender oil has a high phenolic content, and when the oil is exposed to air and light, the phenols oxidize and turn brown.
You can prevent this from happening in a few different ways:
- Add the lavender oil at trace. This means that you'll add the lavender oil after the soap has started to thicken. Adding at this stage minimizes the amount of time that the lavender oil is exposed to air.
- Add lavender stems and flowers at the end. If you're going to add lavender stems and flowers to the top of your soap, wait until the soap is firm enough to support the weight of the lavender.
- Use a light-colored or clear soap base. If you use a white soap base, the lavender oil will turn the soap brown.
- Another way to prevent lavender from turning brown is to spray alcohol. When your soap bars are dry, spritz them lightly with alcohol. This will help to seal in color. Alcohol also has the advantage of helping to extend the life of your soap.
So, those are a few tips to keep in mind when using lavender flowers in your soap recipe. With a little bit of careful handling, you can keep your lavender soap looking beautiful for a long time.
FAQs about oatmeal lavender soap
1. Can I use another pure essential oil in place of the lavender?
Yes, you can use any pure essential oil that you like. Just make sure to do a skin patch test first before using it all over your body. Some essential oils like vanilla can be quite expensive, so it's best to start with a cheaper one like lavender.
2. What is colloidal oatmeal?
Oatmeal that has been finely ground is known as "colloidal oatmeal."
It's often used in skincare products because it's a very gentle exfoliant. It also has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, making it great for sensitive skin people.
3. How do you make the dry lavender smell stronger?
If you use home-dried lavender, you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the soap. This will help to make the lavender smell stronger. You can also add dry lavender to your bar soap. Lavender buds have great smelling power and they will make your oatmeal soap smell great. When you dry your lavender, you must include bunches of lavender buds to make the soap smell strong. It will also help to exfoliate your skin and make it feel softer.
4. Why is oatmeal lavender soap good for sensitive skin?
The oatmeal in this soap helps to soothe and calm dry, inflamed, or itchy skin. It is also an excellent choice for people who suffer from eczema or psoriasis. The oatmeal acts as a natural exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells and revealing the healthy skin beneath.
Lavender essential oil is a bonus to this soap for its calming and relaxing properties. Besides, it is also effective in treating acne, wounds, and burns. Lavender oil can help to reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne breakouts.
5. Which soap base is good to use in this recipe?
You can use any soap base you like for this recipe. However, we recommend using an oatmeal melt and pour soap base. This type of soap base is extra-mild and nourishing, making it perfect for sensitive skin. It also contains oatmeal, which will help exfoliate and soothe the skin.
If you cannot find an oatmeal melt and pour soap base, you can use a clear or white melt and pour soap base instead.
Handmade soap is a luxurious treat for your skin and you can customize it to suit your needs. Beautifully crafted homemade soaps also make wonderful gifts. You can give them birthday presents, wedding favors, or holiday gifts. Your friends and family surely will be impressed by your creativity and thoughtfulness.
If you have never made soap before, lavender oatmeal soap is a great place to start. It is simple and easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. Plus, it is gentle enough for sensitive skin. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your soap-making supplies and give them a try!