How To Make Jelly Soap Like A Boss

  • By: Soap Crowd
  • Time to read: 13 min.
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Do you have an obsession with luscious jelly soaps that looks so good in the bathroom and feel so smooth on the skin? If yes, you are at the right place because today, we will talk about how to make the best jelly soap that will have an amazing fragrance.

Shower jellies in markets and online stores might be a little pricey, but that won't be a problem for you. Because you will learn how to customize your shower jellies with a little effort and the right ingredients. Let's find out how to make jelly soap!

What is Jelly Soap and Why You Need to Make it?

Jelly soap is exactly like bar soap, but it has gelatin in it, so the consistency will feel jelly-like. If you have never used jelly soap before, you can think of it as a gelatinous shower gel form. Most people cannot resist buying a jelly soap because of its amazing texture and beautiful appearance, making it stand out from the rest of the soaps.

If you have kids who do not like to bathe, introduce them to jelly soaps. And they won’t be able to wait for their bathing time! The best part about the shower jellies is their fun colors, shapes, and shimmery outlook that can attract anyone. You can have the most fun while showering with Jelly soap because they can be smushed into a loofah.

Even though you can buy jelly soap from anywhere in the market, it will be fun to create it at home. And that too, with the ingredients in your kitchen and customize it the way you want. Later in the article, we will talk about various recipes that you can try to make your own soap jellies.

Jelly Soap

Why do Kids Love Jelly Soap?

Kids love colorful and bubbly things, so they will love bathing with soap jellies instead of normal bar soap. Even the most stubborn kids who don't like to shower at all would jump into the bathtub only to enjoy the jelly soap and have fun with the pretty colors.

Kids love anything they can control and play with, but most importantly, they like the sensory experience. The wiggly texture of the jelly soap makes the bathing experience even more fun for kids. So all the mommies and daddies out there must try bath jellies.

What are the Ingredients You Need to Make Jelly Soap?

Now let's move to the basic ingredients you need to make jelly soap at home using our amazing DIY recipes. Most of these ingredients will be in your kitchen; however, there might be a few essential oils that you need to buy. But they are very common and affordable so that won't be a problem. Our suggestion to you would be to freeze your jelly soap for a while for a cool yet amazing feeling. The ingredient you will require for various bath jellies recipes are,

  • Spray bottle rubbing alcohol
  • Food coloring
  • 2 cups of Gelatin
  • 2 cups of Shower Gel (Shampoo/ Body Wash)
  • Body Glitter
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Tonka Oils
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Vitamin E capsules

What are the Tools You Need to Make Jelly Soap?

Now let's talk about all the tools you will require to make jelly soap. Make sure that you have it all when you start making it. We assure you that you won't need to buy any of these tools to make bath jellies.

  • Glass Bowls
  • Saucepan
  • Whisk to mix
  • Jars
  • Microwave

We have added a microwave to the equipment list because some people do not want to use the stove. They can use the microwave. However, it is very important to handle all the tools we have mentioned with care. And make sure that your kids and pets are not around when you are making jelly soap.

Soap Jellies

What is the Easiest 5-Step Recipe to Make Jelly Soap?

Now that we have already told you about the ingredients and equipment, let's move on to our simple and easiest 5-step recipe to make it.

Create Soap Jellies Base

The first and the most obvious step is to create a soap jelly base. While that might sound like a huge deal, you can do it with minimal effort. We completely understand that DIYing anything is no benefit if you have to put in extra effort because DIY is supposed to be easy. So first, she will take some water and put it on the stove to boil; you can also use the microwave for this step.

Once the water starts to boil, you will add two full tablespoons of gelatin to it. Stir it with a stirrer or a wooden spoon slowly. It is very important to constantly whisk gelatin in the water; otherwise, there will be the formation of lumps that we don't need in our jelly soap base. When the water becomes clear and you successfully mix gelatin with it, you can add shower gel/ shampoo to the mix and stir it well. The key is to mix everything slowly.

Add Colorants and Sparkles to the Base

Now it's time for the interesting parts! Customize your soap the way you want by adding your favorite colors because no one likes bland jelly soap. You might have to go to the market to find soap colorants because they do not stain your body like other dyes. If you want multi-colored soap jellies, try mixing multiple colors.

You can also add sparkles to that mix if you want to make it a shimmery jelly soap; however, you can skip the part completely if you do not want that. Shimmers and sparkles enhance the aesthetics of the soap. However, make sure to use eco-friendly sparkles to use them on your body without any worry.

Add the Essential Oils and Vitamins

Adding essential oils is very important in bath jellies. Why? Because when you add gelatin, it leaves a very stringent and sharp smell that we don't want. Essential oils, whether it is lavender or rosemary oil, will add a beautiful fragrance to your jelly soap.

Another very important ingredient that you need to add to your jelly soap mix is vitamin E. Always remember that we are not just making jelly soap because it looks pleasing, but we also must add the right ingredients to make it protect and nurture our skin.

Vitamin E is a great moisturizer, and you can use it in the form of vitamin E capsules or oil. But before adding it to the mix, ask your doctor if you have any allergic reaction to it. You can also add vitamin C and vitamin A extracts along with glycerin or other wonderful skin agents.

Shift Soap from Pan to Molds

After you mix everything well and your soap turns into a slightly thick consistency and starts to go down, it's time for you to shift it from the pan to the molds. It is one of the most crucial steps while making soap. So make sure you do it carefully without hurting yourself and do it when no one is around.

The molds you use for jelly soaps can be of different shapes and sizes. If you are making it for your kids, you can use animal-shaped or toy-shaped molds; however, use flowery shapes and other elegant molds if you are making it for yourself.

Store and Use the Jelly Soap

The last step is to store the jelly soap well in nice containers that you can keep in your cabinet once they are properly cold and take up the shape you want them to be. If you use a pinch of salt, the soap settlement will be quick. It is even better if you keep them in refrigerators for a while. Once they are ready, you can use them however you want and enjoy your bathing time.

What are Bath Jellies and How to Make Them?

Have you seen beautiful rose-shaped bath jellies on the Internet, and you can't wait to try them? Well, what if we tell you it is one of the easiest things to make? All you need is plain gelatin, a rose-shaped mold, food colors, and your favorite essential oils. As you might already know, gelatin has a very specific smell, so you must hide it with the help of essential oils.

You can use the 5-step recipe that we have mentioned above to make bath jellies; however, if you are using glitter, make sure that it is eco-friendly. Another important factor is to use a pinch of salt to help your bath jelly hold its shape.

How to Make Jelly Soap for Kids?

Children love jelly soaps; however, it is a difficult task to help them avoid eating them. Even though you can play with the colors and shapes of the jelly soap for your kids, make sure to keep them unflavored. We don’t want them to harm themselves because it is soap at the end of the day. Some kids fear soap lather, but they love soap jellies floating in their bathtub.

Bath Jellies

While making bath jellies using our jelly soap recipe, make sure not to use any fruity smell or flavor because that will make your child eat that. You can use different mold shapes, including Legos, dinosaurs, etc. If your kids like opaque jelly soaps, you can make them by using a clear shower gel or shampoo. However, you can use a few drops of essentials oils to tone down the smell of gelatin or agar you used in the jelly soap.

How to Make Twilight Bath Jellies?

Have you ever seen twilight bath jellies chilling on the counters of big stores and markets, and somehow, they cost more than the regular jelly soaps? But you do not have to spend any money to buy those twilight bar jellies. Now, you can make them with our 5-step recipe; however, you will have to change one or two ingredients.

You'll only have to purchase carrageenan extract that will replace gelatin. And instead of usual food coloring, you will use colors like sparkling mica. The rest of the ingredients will remain the same, and you can use the same procedure to make your amazing twilight bath or shower jellies.

How to Make Shimmery and Jiggly Summer Jelly Soaps?

Now it is time for us to tell you how you can make shimmery and jiggly summer jelly soaps that all your family members will enjoy and love to take a quick shower with. However, one thing that we want to tell you is to keep the shimmery gelatin in the refrigerator before use to get a cooling sensation in summer.

You really need fun eco-friendly glitters or shimmers and some amazing food colors. The letter E jelly soaps usually have warm and bright colors because you usually use them in summers, so make sure you have that. Our suggestion would be to use bright orange, fuchsia, red, and yellow colors.

However, the only problem is that you might have to hide them from your kids. Their fun smell and attractive look can lure kids into eating them. You can keep jiggly summer jelly soaps in jars that you usually place on higher cabinets in your bathroom.

What are the Amazing Benefits of Using Jelly Soap?

Now that we have talked about different recipes for making jelly soaps at home, let's discuss some amazing benefits of using them. You might be thinking about what a simple jelly soap can do for you; however, it can do wonders if you use it regularly on your skin.

A True Age-Rewinder That Makes Skin Youthful

Our jelly soap recipe is amazing and has the power to make your skin look youthful because of the ingredients that we have put in it. One thing you must know from the start is that we didn't use any specific chemicals, so it is completely safe to use. The vitamins that we have used in our soap make the skin glow and help reduce skin aging. So, if you are looking for a true age rewinder, try using our jelly soap recipe and make one for yourself.

Anti-bacterial Properties

Anything that you use for your face or body cleansing must have anti-bacterial properties because you expose yourself to so much dirt and chemicals daily, and they can cause skin problems. One of the main reasons we use coconut oil as an ingredient in our jelly soap is because coconut has natural anti-bacterial properties that clean the gunk in the skin and help it fight bacteria.

Soap Jellies

So, one huge benefit of using our jelly soap is its anti-bacterial properties which means you don't need to apply chemicals for that anymore.

Skin Healing Properties

Jojoba oil that we have used in our jelly soap contains skin healing properties. This means that you no more must worry about acne or zits on your skin. If you want to go all-natural with your skin, leave your skin to react to different cream chemicals you apply; you can quit all the treatments like that and only use jelly soap for your face for a while to see if anything changes.

Reduce Blemishes

No matter how beautiful you look, the blemishes on your skin impact your confidence level, but they shouldn't come in the way of you feeling pretty. And the best way to help achieve that is by reducing the blemishes on your skin if they irritate you by using jelly soaps because they have healing agents that are 100% natural and can diminish scar and acne marks as well.

Improves Skin Texture

Improving skin texture is one of the main benefits of using jelly soaps because they help remove all the dead skin buildup on top and let the fresh cells come up. Uneven skin texture is also because of long exposure to pollution and dust that we cannot avoid; however, we can combat it using jelly soap, but the application must be regular.

Sometimes we use very harsh chemicals in our skin to improve the skin texture, but they mess it up even more. So, our only suggestion to you is to add very gentle and organic shower gel while making bath jellies so that it doesn’t harm your skin in any way.

Adds Glow to the Skin/ Brightens Skin

We work 5-6 days a week and do our best; however, we forget to take care of our skin, and as a result, we lose our natural glow and plumpness, which adds to the youth factor. While selecting the ingredients for our jelly soap, we considered all the factors and skin problems, and adding the right low to the skin was one of the major things that we focused on

Now you must be thinking about how jelly soap can help you achieve that. Well, the Tonka oils and Vitamin C that we have used in the soap almost diminish all the age spots you have on your skin due to UV absorbance or staying in the sun late. They also have antioxidant properties that help your skin glow beautifully and make it super radiant.

Skin Nourishment and Rejuvenation

Skin nourishment and rejuvenation are two of the most important factors you look for in any skin wash product: soap or a cleanser. Your skin doesn't only need proper cleansing but also needs the added nourishment so that it can blossom beautifully, and our jelly soap recipe has all the ingredients that can make your skin stunning without question.

Adds Moisture/ Dryness Solution

Vitamin E and other elements like glycerine and coconut oil add to the moisture factor of the jelly soaps. So, if you make bath jellies, make sure you add all these helpful ingredients because they will impact your skin a lot in the long run.

If you have dry patches on your skin that make you look dull and mature, try using jell soap with all the essential oils and glycerine because it will help your skin in retaining its moisture content.

Adds to the Bathroom Aesthetic

The last benefit is not related to skin, but it doesn't mean it has no importance. No matter how beautiful your bathroom looks, the toiletries you use in it add something to the whole aesthetic, and just putting a jar full of cubical-shaped jelly soaps can take it to the next level. As we grow up, our focus becomes making our house look beautiful, and bathrooms are an essential part of it.

More than that, bathrooms are very private spaces, so you have made them and fields full and night, and instead of using a normal bought soap, you can put beautifully shaped jelly soaps that don’t even look like soaps. The best part is that your guests will appreciate it a lot.

What are the Precautions to Take While Making Jelly Soaps?

Even though making Jelly soap is a very practical and fun activity, it requires you to take some precautions to avoid any unlikely/ harmful event during the process. We have mentioned below a list of precautions you need to take while making soap jellies.

  • You must wear proper protective clothing, including gloves in masks, while your hair is tightly wrapped in a bun.
  • If you are making the jelly soap for the first time and using a stove in the process, you must keep the flame low and avoid making it in the presence of kids or pets.
  • It is very important to take the right ingredients and avoid any chemical use while making jelly soaps.
  • Use proper glass bowls or jars if you use a microwave instead of a stove.
  • If you are fearful of any soap base splashes, you can cover your eyes with safety goggles.

Final Words

Making a jiggly and squishy jelly soap is a super fun activity that you can enjoy with your friends or family. However, the best part is that you can put small pieces of Jelly soap in your bathroom and make it look stunning. We hope that our recipes will help you make amazing jelly soaps; however, you can always reach out to us if you have any questions.

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