How To Make Pine Tar Soaps – A Natural Way To Cleanse Your Skin!

  • By: Soap Crowd
  • Time to read: 10 min.
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Pine tar soaps have a history of being used in a number of matters, such as the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and many other skin conditions that are known to mankind. It has also been documented that people in the past used pine tar soap to treat their flaky scalp, and one of the greatest issues known to man is dandruff.

Many can debate that the aura of the pine tar soap is quite manly. And this is mainly because of the fact that it has a campfire aroma. But no soap on earth can be discriminated against based upon gender or for gender. And thus, we can easily say that both men and women can use this pine tar soap.

pine tar soaps

Pine Tar Soaps

As pine tar soaps are quite strong thus, it needs to be mellowed down to a context where anyone can easily use them. For this purpose, you can try to use cedarwood atlas and lavender essential oils with palm oil in your pine tar soap mixture. This will have a great effect on your pine tar soap scent and will improve the overall value of the whole facial grooming end goal. You can also try to add some pine oil to DIY your bath products.

This topical pine tar soap will be a good addition to your personal care regards. The natural pine tar oil, a key ingredient in these soaps, has a high score in the skincare department. This natural ingredient accounts for dry skin, itchy skin, skin irritation. The other related products also give your skin a break from all the harsh chemicals.

While we are on the topic of pine tar soap, it does not hurt us all to discover some more hints and useful data about it. Let us educate you all about the types of tar bar soap. Make sure to pay attention.

Types of Tar Soaps

Tar soaps generally are of two types. One is that we are discussing, and the other one is coal tar soap.

Pine Tar Soap

Pine tar soaps are commonly made up of pine tree resins. This also accounts for a strong pine tree aroma. In the past and even in the present, it is used to treat psoriasis as well as eczema and rashes.

Coal Tar Soap

On the other hand, coal tar soaps are a byproduct of the distillation of coal processing. But the compounds and their presence mainly depend on the factors affecting preparation.

For this matter, we have decided to share some recipes for pine tar soap with you all. Thus make sure to be with us as things are about to get real fun.

If you are one with the classics, then you might want to try the old-fashioned recipe of pine tar soap.

Thus for this matter, we have to take a look at some pine tar soap ingredients. Make sure to pay attention to this process. This homemade best soap recipe will prove to be quite wonderful for your skin and body wash purposes.

For the liquid and lye portion

This one is for the preparation of liquid and lye portions. This is a crucial one as lye is the main thing and thus you have to be really mindful.

  • Cold distilled water; 10 oz (283 g)
  • Lye sodium hydroxide 3.8 oz (108 g)
  • Salt: one teaspoon (optional)

Oil and pine tar part

After the preparation of the lye and liquid, we need to move on to the next portion. And that entails the preparation of the oil and pine tar part.

Essential oils Part

Although there might be a group of people who would argue that we do not need to add essential oils. But for all those who think that pine tar soaps are overwhelming, they can also make sure to add essential oils to the mixture. Let us tell you the mixture in which you can add these essential oils in the pine tar soap ingredients.

  • Cedarwood atlas essential oil (21 g) 0.75 g
  • Lavender essential oil (15 g) 0.5g

One key thing that you need to understand here is that pine tar soap does not take so much time to settle. It settles very amazingly, and that too at a faster pace. Thus make sure that all the stuff is within your reach so that you do not have to wait for things to get in order.

Another thing that you need to understand here is that with the pine tar soap-making process, you have to make sure to add it in the lye calculations as you would treat any other oil.

Pine Tar Soap Recipies

Now that we are done with the collection of all the pine tar soap ingredients, it is time for us all to keep track of the recipe. And the direction in which things will be commencing so that you can enjoy the perks of pine tar soaps. So gear up as we are diving into the details of this useful product that will be highly beneficial for your skin both for body wash and showering.

Step 1

First of all, start with stirring the teaspoon of salt into the jar of cold water. This step is pivotal as it will help release the soap from the mold in an easy manner. The use of cold soap is crucial, especially if you are using silicone molds.

Another thing that you have to know here is that you have to be mindful of using proper safety gear such as goggles and gloves.

After adding the salt, you can now pour in the lye. Keep stirring the mixture until all the stuff dissolves equally. You have to remember here that the temperature of the mixture gets high really fast. So it might give off some huge and strong fumes. This is the point where you have to be very careful because these fumes can be quite dangerous for the respiratory system.

Step 2

The next thing that you have to do here is to put the lye solution aside; you have to make sure that the solution is cool enough to compliment the room temperature.

People who are frequent in the world of handmade soaps have a profound understanding that they normally work with warm temperatures. But in this case, they can, and they might have to work with cool temperatures because of pine tar. This is mainly because the pine tar settles too fast in other case scenarios.

Step 3

In the meantime, when the lye is cooling to room temperature, gear up for the next step of pine tar soaps preparation. And that is mold preparation. Then you also have to keep in mind the oil measurements. All the oils that we have discussed above then must be measured in either steel or heat-proof plastic. You can also try to use an enamel counter for the said purpose.

For the case of coconut oil, you have to melt it properly so that the solid substance can get converted into a liquid one. This process is crucial if you want to mix all the oils in a regular momentum. Then, you have to set the oils aside so that the mixing can happen at a faster pace. You do not have to put some extra effort in these regards, as you can simply put these oils aside at room temperatures.

Step 4

Then comes the next step in the making of pine tar soaps. This step compromises the final stages of pine tar soaps. Now all you have to do is add pine tar into the mixture of oils. Keep on stirring until all the mixture is unified.

You have to make sure that you are wearing goggles and gloves for this step. Otherwise, the fumes can interfere with your skin and eyes. And also, make sure that you have kept all the safety measures in consideration.

Step 5

You have to add the above-prepared lye solution inside the pine tar mixture in this step. During this step, be mindful of continuously stirring the solution. Furthermore, you also have to be mindful of using heavy-duty plastic and a silicone spoon or spatula.

After all this, you will notice that the soap mixture will get thick fairly quickly. It might take this mixture at least around 4 or 5 minutes to properly get thick if you are using a hand stirrer. Another factor you have to consider in this one is the temperature range you provide the mixture with.

Step 6

Step 6 accounts for pouring the thickened material of pine tar soaps inside the mold. Then you have to place the mold aside. You do not have to worry about covering or insulating the soap material during this step.

Step 7

Then after properly giving this soap material some time to settle, you can then try the unmolding. It might look a bit soft at the starting phase, but it gets hard as time passes. This mainly happens because of the factor of air. The more it gets cured in the air, the more it hardens.

Another pro tip that you can keep an eye on is that you can try to add a tiny pinch of salt inside the mixture of lye water. This step can fasten the unmolding for you and see the magic yourself.

Step 8

Last but not least, you can try to slice the pine tar soap as you like. Then you should cure it for at least four to six weeks before use.

Now that we all are familiar with the process of pine tar soaps and how you can benefit from using these homemade soaps. It is due time that we move on to the next step, and that is how effective pine tar soaps are.

So get ready as we are about to dive deep into the many benefits of pine tar soaps.

Benefits of Pine Tar Soap

For a great deal of time, pine tar soap has been one of the most natural and organic remedies for several skin problems. Furthermore, there is no second opinion in the fact that you can use it for the treatment of psoriasis and dandruff.

You can combine it with several other compounds, such as scented oils and essential oils. So let us unravel the many wonders of pine tar soaps.

Pine Tar Has an Antiseptic Effect

Let us start with the basic ones; pine tar soap is derived from the heating of pine wood. During those times when people had a basic understanding of pine tar and its beneficial effects on the human body. In previous times because of its antiseptic effects, it was used to treat several injuries on animals and humans as well.

It is because of its reliability and health benefits that make it one of the most commonly found ingredients in shampoos and the one that we are discussing, and that is pine tar soap.

Pine Tar Soaps are Useful for Skin conditions.

As we have also discussed previously, pine tar has many benefits, and one of those countless advantages is that it can be used to treat a very wide range of skin problems. This also includes some of the most common ones, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Pine tar can widely help with the dryness and roughness of the skin caused by eczema and psoriasis. This can be widely helpful in protecting the skin from all that wearing out as well as to the development of wrinkles.

But you have to be mindful of using too many pine tar lotions, for that matter, but you can be sure about using pine tar soaps for that purpose.

pine tar soap in hand

Pine Tar Has an Anti-inflammatory Effect

We cannot document enough the anti-inflammatory properties of pine tar soaps. It is equally soothing and also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a perfect fit for many skin conditions such as

  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Seborrhea
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Dandruff
  • Insect bites

In addition to all this wide range of skin disorders or issues, one can also confidently use it to treat rashes. As well as pine tar soaps can also prove their effectiveness for the blisters that are caused by either poison oak or poison sumac and poison ivy as well. Thus it is not just an organic name, but pine tar soap is also helpful in strengthening your immune system so that the bacteria can be kept at bay from your epidermis. This also accounts for a lesser number of infections and subsequent skin diseases.

Therefore, you should try this one instead of spending money on store-bought chemical soaps as it is definitely a good option.

Pine Tar Soaps are the best for smelly feet.

You did not see this one coming. But let us add this to the list as well. Pine tar soap is known to have magnificent soothing effects. Because of pine tar elements, pine tar soaps boost a wide range of anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. Thus it can also be a worthy candidate to deodorize smelly feet and armpits. As well as, the antiseptic properties of pine tar soaps make them one of the good remedies to treat rashes, scrapes, and bug bites. Thus make sure to use it as a natural deodorant to keep the freshness intact around you during this summer season.

And, Good for hair growth.

Pine tar has many benefits, and one of them is that it can be used to treat various scalp issues such as itchy scalp as well as thinning and falling of hair. Pine tar soap uses also helps with the removal and control of dandruff. You have to use this one directly on your scalp, and then we can massage the scalp with it.

Pine Tar Soap; Your new skincare must-have

There is no denying that the use of pine tar soap enables you all to lock moisture inside the skin and is a healthy and worthy substitute for all the chemical-filled soaps that are frequently present at stores. Thus, if you are one for the organic compounds, you have to try pine tar soaps as they are just the exact definition of all things organic and natural. Furthermore, you can make good use of pine tar soaps by DIY.

Get benefit from the above-mentioned recipe, and do thank us later!

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