{"id":328,"date":"2022-04-14T21:02:38","date_gmt":"2022-04-14T21:02:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/soapcrowd.com\/unscented-soaps"},"modified":"2022-07-07T22:14:17","modified_gmt":"2022-07-07T22:14:17","slug":"unscented-soaps","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/soapcrowd.com\/unscented-soaps","title":{"rendered":"Why Unscented Soaps Might be Better For You Than Fragranced Ones"},"content":{"rendered":"

Unscented soaps might be a new term for you, but you need to understand the concept carefully if you have sensitive skin. The first fragranced soap was introduced by P & G in 1879.<\/a> And from then, the whole fragrance innovation in soaps started. Even today, the soaps we use usually have sharp fragrances, which sometimes can cause extreme skin irritation and other issues.<\/p>\n

So, the best thing is to switch to unscented soaps because they can help make your skin healthy and super clean. In this article, you will learn about several benefits of unscented soaps and why you should use them. We will also share our amazing secret DIY unscented soap recipes so that you can make them at home with minimal effort.<\/p>\n


What is Unscented Soap? \u2013 All You Need to Know<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Now it's time for us to tell you about unscented soap and address its myths. Firstly, unscented soaps<\/strong> are not completely bland because otherwise, you would be able to smell the fattiness which is the main ingredient in soap formation. However, unscented soaps still do not have tons of chemicals that a regular fragranced soap would have. This helps you conquer many skin issues.<\/p>\n

If you think that hypoallergenic or natural soaps are unscented soaps, you might be incorrect because both of them are two different terms. Hypoallergenic soaps<\/strong> are for adults and kids with extremely sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic is not a term that is restricted to soaps or cleansers; you can also use it for fabrics less likely to cause an allergic reaction.<\/p>\n

Similarly, 100% natural or organic soaps<\/strong> are usually derived from plant-based materials. That means almost all the ingredients in natural soaps are extracted from plants. Sometimes natural soaps are turned into unscented bar soaps\/ fragrance-free soaps by adding mild fragrances and sometimes no fragrance at all.<\/p>\n

Examples of unscented natural soaps<\/strong> are unscented cocoa butter soaps, unscented glycerin soaps, unscented shea butter soaps, etc. Unscented soaps have so many benefits that we will later discuss in the article. But before that, we will talk about the recipes to make such soaps at home with minimal ingredients.<\/p>\n

What Should You Avoid Adding in Your Soap?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Before talking about the recipes to make unscented soaps at home, let's discuss the ingredients. You must avoid adding some ingredients to your soap because they can be potentially harmful to your skin. Sometimes when we visit markets and stores to buy uncentered soaps that are labeled as harmless can have dangerous chemicals in them.<\/p>\n


Even if you see fragranced soap that openly claims to have scented additives, do not show the list of all ingredients they have in them. In short, you won't be able to distinguish or differentiate between harmless and harmful fragranced soaps in the market. So, the best part is to create your own unscented soaps at home by avoiding some chemicals that can cause serious problems.<\/p>\n

The main chemicals that you must avoid adding to your unscented soaps are:<\/p>\n