How To Make Liquid Soap Recipes With Essential Oils

  • By: Soap Crowd
  • Time to read: 10 min.
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Paying attention to personal hygiene and making sure that your hands are washed have also been important. But it is the recent spread of corona and the health complications of this COVID-19 pandemic that humans are now more and more diligent in these sectors. The constant use of bars and soaps can be a bit inconvenient as everyone tends to use the same bar of soap. That is when a liquid soap can come into the picture. And that is also when the liquid soap recipes can be quite useful for the person.

This type of homemade hand soap is easy to use and also sits right on the definition of COVID-19 SOPs.

Homemade liquid soap is an easy thing to make at home. In fact, it does not even need a proper set of rules or guidelines to make. But it is always better to start with a roadmap.

Liquid and hand-made soaps on wooden table, on green background

If you are familiar with the world of making your own soaps, then these liquid soap recipes might work wonders for you. The bar soap recipes often use hot process methods. But if you are frequent with the cold process soap formations, then you might not agree with this one, or you might find it a bit difficult. Because DIY liquid soaps require more heat, a completely different type of lye, and time. Lots of time!

At the end of this process, you will have a soap paste that you can store for up to two years. You can also dilute the liquid soap right on the spot.

What are the ingredients to make liquid soap recipes?

As we are aware that the main ingredient for this one is bastille. The use of bastille ensures that you have 70% olive oil that you are using. If you are opting for extra virgin oil that the resulting paste will have a greenish tinge. In case you are choosing light-colored olive oil, then not only is your DIY liquid soap is a cheap one, but it also shares the similarity with Dr. Bonners. The second major oil is coconut oil, and it adds lather and bubbles that olive oil lacks.

Some other ingredients that your liquid soap will have been

  • Distilled water
  • Potassium hydroxide
  • Vegetable glycerine

Liquid hand soap possesses a superfat of just 3%, and that is why glycerine adds up to all the lacking moisture and glide.

Lye for liquid soap recipes: NaOH vs. KOH

It is very important for people to realize that soap making process is 100% chemistry. When you are choosing a cold process soap, then sodium hydroxide is what is needed for soap bars. But in the case of the liquid soap-making process then, potassium hydroxide is needed. The use of KOH is what promises a thick vaseline-like paste. When it is diluted, liquid soap is created.

Normally the KOH that is available in the market is 90% pure but you should make sure that it is the reality. For this purpose, you can also check out with the retailer or examine the bottle in the right manner.

Equipment for liquid soap making recipes

Although most of the materials that are used in the making of liquid soap are the same as the one that is used in the cold -process, there can be some major differences. The given below list contains an immersion blender and also has a digital scale. But the main difference is created with the help of a slow cooker.

Moreover, the process also needs a long steady and indirect heat over longer periods of time.

Instructions for liquid soap recipes

One of the premium things about the liquid soap process is that you have to clean the area well. Such as either using a newspaper to cover the area or a piece of paper. Then you can also put on gloves and goggles. Furthermore, make sure that there are no pets or animals in the area in which you are working.

Then measure all the ingredients that you are going to use.

Turn the cooker on high heat so that the oils can be melted. Then you can move the ingredients to large pots so that the large-scale DIY liquid soap can be made.

Place 25 ounces of distilled water in a stainless glass. Measure the lye properly and then pour all the lye into the water. It should not be the other way around. As it gets dissolves, it can start making groaning noises. This pour soap will start taking its shape slightly.

Once you have mixed all that, then you can add the mix all the solution with the essential oils. Combine this lye solution with your hand, and then you can use a stick blender. The mixture will be highly chunky and might also wish to separate from one another. Blend it for about 5 minutes.

Place a cover in its mouth for some time; then, you can keep the flame for 30 to 60 minutes at high temperatures. Then you can leave it to medium-low.

Make sure to stir it every now and then. Soon, it will start to take shape. Then after some time, it will look like it's translucent, like petroleum jelly. At this point, it is stickier and heavier. You can make use of a stainless steel potato masher to break it all up easily.

How to test your liquid soap?

liquid soap solution

In order to test it take a small spoonful of it and place it in hot water. Then stir it really well. It might take some time to get dissolve. If the water remains clear, then you can continue to the dilution stage.

But if it's still cloudy, then you need to keep cooking.

Recipes for Making Liquid Hand Soap

Making liquid soap is a three-step process. The first step is cooking the ingredients, and testing the clarity. Then comes the complete saponification, which is further followed by the liquifying of the paste.

1- Materials for liquid soap recipes

Unscented liquid Castille soap; 2 tablespoons distilled or filtered water coconut oil; 1 tablespoon Vitamin E Oil 1 teaspoon Soap dispenser

2- How to make it; Instructions

Given below are seven easy steps that will help you in making the homemade essential oil hand soap:

Add two tablespoons of liquid castile soap into an empty 8 oz soap dispenser. You can also try to add the soap into a large dispenser, but then you have to change the recipe accordingly. Add the essential oils in accordance with your taste, then add the coconut oil and vitamin E inside the mixer. The presence of coconut oil will make sure that the skin is soft and smooth. Then either use filtered water or distilled water to make sure that the pump is filled. Secure pump to the bottle. Gently shake so that you are able to mix. Then you can pump the required amount your need

3- Essential oils that are worthy for the liquid soap blends

You need to keep track of one of the liquid soap recipes that we have listed below. You can try to add 10 drops to the recipes so that the dilution is safe for the skin.

For the liking of citrus tea

5 drops of bergamot with 5 drops of tangerine

For the magic of lemon

5 drops of lemon myrtle and three drops of lemongrass, top it off with 2 drops of citrus fresh

For the spice love and herb garden

3 drops of basil with 2 drops of lemongrass and 5 drops of spearmint

For the love of high tea

5 drops of bergamot and then add two drops of lavender top it off with 3 drops of lemon

For the fruity delight of the summer

5 drops of jade lemon add 5 drops of peppermint

For the liking of Passion Fruit

5 drops of geranium and 5 drops of grapefruit

For the excitement of summer fun

5 drops of basil are added with 5 drops of lime

natural liquid soap

For those who like it clean

5 drops of lemon are added with 5 drops of eucalyptus

For those who like it a bit scent

5 drops of tea tree and then add 5 drops of citrus fresh

For those who like it a bit tangy

5 drops of peppermint and then add tea tree

For those who are in love with some garden time

3 drops of rosemary and 3 drops of marjoram and top it off with 3 drops of Basil

For those who want to have some kid fun with keeping it simple

5 drops of lavender and 5 drops of citrus fresh

For the love of happy and memorable days

5 drops of eucalyptus and 3 drops of tea tree oil, then top it all off with 2 drops of spearmint

For those who are in awe of the Florida sunset

4 drops of ylang-ylang and top it off with citrus fresh

For those who wish to have a floral dream

3 drops of lavender with 3 drops of geranium and then finish it with 4 drops of lime

For a daytime potential boost

3 drops of rosemary and then 7 drops of peppermint

For those who wish to enjoy a walk in the park

3 drops of patchouli and 2 drops of grapefruit, then top it all with 2 drops of lavender

For those who wish for flowers and freshness

3 drops of cistus, and then add 7 drops of spearmint

floral fragrance liquid soaps

For those who wish for calmness and peace

3 drops of cedarwood and then add 3 drops of lavender, then finish it with 4 drops of bergamot

Hi there Melissa

2 drops of Melissa and 2 drops of lavender. Finish it with 6 drops of orange

For all those who like fruits and mint

4 drops of tangerine and then finish with 6 drops of spearmint

For all those who wish to take a stroll on the grass

3 drops of lemongrass, 4 drops of cypress and then finish it with 3 drops of lemon

Let's keep it sunny and fresh

For all those who wish to keep it full of sun and as fresh as possible

3 drops of eucalyptus, 3 drops of lemongrass, and 4 drops of tangerine

What are the best essential oils for liquid soap recipes?

Now, if you are curious that what are the best possible essential oils options for making liquid soap, then it is something that primarily depends on your olfactory senses. Because the best part of DIY liquid soap is that you can be as creative and imaginative as you like. It is important to have around the way with mixing and blending oils so that one that you like can be found.

The first and foremost step in this liquid soap recipe is that you have to choose essential oils of high quality. This way, you are sure that you are not compromising on your skincare situation.

It is pertinent to note here that you should start with small batches so that you can change the blend whenever you want. Furthermore, you can also consider the factor of weather season as the essential oils can be changed with the change of the season in your liquid soap recipes.

Given below is the list of best essential oils for your DIY liquid soap

1- If you like Floral, then choose from:

Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Melissa, Jasmine, Citrus.

2- If you are in the mood for Citrus, then choose from:

Lemon, Lime, Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Citrus, fresh lemon, myrtle, Jade Lemon, Bergamot.

3- If you Like it as fresh as Mint, then choose from:

Peppermint, Spearmint.

4- If spice and Herb are what you want, then choose from:

Rosemary, Marjoram, Basil, Thyme, Dill, Ginger, Sage, Tea-tree, Thieves.

5- If you are a fan of Woody and Earthy scents, then make a choice from the following:

Cypress, Pine, Fir, Spruce, Patchouli.

6- If you are in the mood for Fresh and Clean, then you can opt for the following for your liquid soap recipes:

Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Purification, Raven, Melrose.

But you have to be really cautious if you are going out in the sun with the help of citrus smells.

How can you make liquid soap recipes with Castile and essential oils foam?

Foaming soaps are generally used by making regular soap that has trapped inside it with the help of a foaming dispenser. You should cur your soap to a quarter soap to three parts distilled water ratio. The one recipe that we are sharing with you all for a dit liquid soap should have the right ratio if you are tuning in with the help of a foaming dispenser.

Benefits of liquid soap recipes

While there are many benefits of making liquid soap at home, you are lucky if you are choosing to make one with Castille soap. Castille soap is a plant-based soap that originates from vegetable oils (olive, coconut, palm). Given below are some of the key reasons why Castille soaps are the best:

1- Super-versatile

This one is a given. You can actually make a number of some other things with the help of this one as well. From its use in making liquid soap to bars of soaps, Castille can be used in a number of bath products.

2- Cost-effective

Let us tell you all this once and for all. If you pay attention to the whole process, it can even put the cost of an all-purpose cleaner at bay because it is that inexpensive. And yet it will last for months.

As Castille soap is a highly concentrated product thus, a little bit of it can be used for a long time.

3- Skin-friendly

In addition to all the above-mentioned things, Castille soap is an organic and plant-based compound that is easy to use and recognize.

Another thing that you need to add to your notes tab is that you should be careful with the addition of water inside those products that come without preservatives. Thus it is crucial for you to use filtered or distilled water in such scenarios.

The bottom line

Liquid soap making is one of the easiest and most creative DIY projects. Furthermore, you can be creative and imaginative with this one. So get on the creative bus and play with liquid soap recipes as much as you can. They can also be used in your bath products, such as various types of bath bombs or solid soap. This type of homemade liquid hand soap can actually be modified with the help of shea butter. The foaming soap can also have castor oil. The Castile bar soap is one for the good books. You can also extend this recipe to make liquid dish soap or laundry soap. This type of diluted soap should be made in the crockpot because it depends on the high temperature.

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